Whats the problem, now?
July 3, 2012
Things Amiss
I don't mean to be critical, because I think everything was done to ensure that the Barnes Foundation in its new location would be perfect in every way. But, there were things that disquieted me that I would be remiss to not mention. The greatest being the absence of Dr. Albert C Barnes’ name anywhere in the building, except for its being on a small strip of metal on the ground that lines the reflecting pool inside of the entry alcove of the building. The strip is about 2 inches thick and includes a quote by Dr. Barnes and his name. That's it. There is no bust, no plaque, no image of Dr. Albert C Barnes. I was told that once the changing exhibition is taken down, the de Chirico portrait of Albert Barnes would be moved into the entrance hall. That exhibition will be in place for 10 months. But what would have been wrong with including some permanent memorialization of the founder of this great institution?
...The Party is Just Beginning
That evening, the Benefactors’ Gala began at 6 PM sharp. I arrived to the front gates with my good friend Lonnie Graham. He wore his Nehru jacket – authentic from India, and I wore a simple yet elegant bright red dress. A photographer was positioned just inside of Neubauer Court, flanked by a staff member taking down the names of all the entrants. On this second visit to the galleries, I looked more closely for the things that seem to be missing. The list was getting longer.